Our mobile and printed solutions regularly win prestigious rewards. Applications which we created have already won over 30 awards and distinctions. 


Our awards


The "Rose of the Regions" award

The main prize for the publication "Małopolska in the Eco Rhythm. Ecotourism Guide" in the Special Project category at the Rose of the Regions 2024 competition.


The "Rose of the Regions" award

The main prize for the "Mazurski Park Krajobrazowy" mobile application in the "Mobile Application" category in the "Rose of the Regions 2023" competition.


IT Wing Award in Administration

IT Wing in Administration Award in 2022 for the
"Zabrze w sercu Śląska" application in the
"Tools for communication with residents" category.

The „Mobile Web Award"

 A „Mobile Web Award“ for the “ Bikes on Forum  (Koszalin City Guide for Cyclists )” application in the "Best Regional Mobile Application" category. Awarded by the American Internet Marketing Association, which operates in Boston since 1997

The “Mobile Trends Awards” distinction

A distinction for the “Pomorze Zachodnie / West Pomerania” mobile application - Mobile Trends Awards


The “Mobile Trends Awards” distinction

A distinction for the “Paszport Turystyczny” mobile application - Konstelacje dobrych miejsc - Mobile Trends Awards


The „Mobile Web Award"

A Mobile Web Award" for the PKL Kasprowy Wierch” application in the "Best Regional Mobile Application" category. Awarded by the American Internet Marketing Association, which operates in Boston since 1997.

The “Mobile Trends Awards” distinction

A distinction for the „Małopolskie Szlaki Turystyczne” mobile application - Mobile Trends Award

The "Rose of the Regions" Award

The main prize for the "Powiat Namysłowski" mobile application in the "Mobile Application" category in the "Rose of the Regions 2019" competition.

The "Rose of the Regions" distinction

A distinction for the „ Szwajcaria Kaszubska" application in the "Mobile Application" category in the "Rose of the Regions 2019" competition.


The "Magellan's Award" distinction

A distinction for the series of mobile guides: "Bieszczady & MRB Karpaty Wschodnie", "Busko-Zdrój", "Krzemienny Szlak", "Dolnośląska Kraina Rowerowa", "Kazimierz Dolny", "Ostrów Wielkopolski" - "Magellan's Award, the best tourist publications" competition

The „Mobile Web Award"

A Mobile Web Award for the "Forum Gdańsk" application in the "Best Shopping Mobile Application" category. Awarded by the American Internet Marketing Association, which operates in Boston since 1997.

The "Rose of the Regions" distinction

A distinction for the „Jarosław-Svidnik" application in the "Mobile Application" category in the "Róża Regionów 2018" competition.

The "Rose of the Regions" distinction

A distinction for the "Kaszuby Północne na 4 pory roku" guide in the "Róża Regionów 2018" competition.

The "Rose of the Regions" distinction

A distinction for the "Rowerem przez pogranicze" in the "Róża Regionów" competition in the "Advertising brochure" category

The “Mobile Trends Awards” distinction

A distinction for the "Bieszczady & MRB Karpaty Wschodnie" application - Mobile Trends Awards

The "Magellan's Award" distinction

A distinction for the "Puszcza Notecka" application - "Magellan's Award, the best tourist publications" competition

The „Mobile Trends Awards" distinction

A distinction in the „Mobile Application of the Year" category for the "Green Velo – Wschodni Szlak Rowerowy" application - Mobile Trends Awards.


The „Mobile Trends Awards"

The main Mobile Trends Awards 2016 award in the "travel and tourism" category for the "PKL Kasprowy Wierch na lato" mobile application

The "Mobile Trends Awards" distinction

A distinction for the www.krakow.travel.pl website - Mobile Trends Awards

The "Magellan's Award" distinction

A distinction for the "Osobliwości przyrodnicze i geologiczne regionu świętokrzyskiego" guide by Krzysztof Bzowski - "Magellan's Award, the best tourist publications" competition

The "Magellan's Award" distinction

A distinction for the "Szlakiem osobliwości kulturowych i przyrodniczych polsko-słowackiego pogranicza" guide - "Magellan's Award, the best tourist publications" competition

The "Magellan's Award" distinction

A distinction for the "Kraków Airport" application - "Magellan's Award, the best tourist publications" competition

The "Mobile Trends Awards" distinction

A distinction for the „Biała Podlaska" application in the "City/region with the best website or mobile application" category - Mobile Trends Awards 2015

The „Mobile Trends Awards" distinction

A distinction for the „Festiwal Muzyki Filmowej" application in the "Company/brand with the best mobile application" category - Mobile Trends Awards 2015

The „Mobile Trends Awards" distinction

A distinction for the "Visit Karkonosze" application in the "City/region with the best website or mobile application" category - Mobile Trends Awards 2015


The „Mobile Trends Award"

The main award for the Przemyśl" application in the "City with the best website or mobile application" category - Mobile Trends Awards 2014

The "Mobile Trends Awards" distinction

A distinction for the Klimatyczny Kołobrzeg" mobile application in the "City with the best website or mobile application" category - Mobile Trends Awards 2014

The "Rose of the Regions" distinction

The "Visit Karkonosze" mobile guide received a distinction in the "Rose of the Regions 2015" competition

The "Rose of the Regions" distinction

The Opolski Bifyj" mobile guide received a distinction in the "Rose of the Regions 2015" competition

The „Magellan's award"

The main award for the Muzeum Wsi Kieleckiej" application - "Magellan's Award, the best tourist publications" competition

The „Magellan's award"

The main award for the Opole culinary guide "Opolski Bifyj" by Elżbieta Tomczyk-Miczka and Piotr Mielec - "Magellan's Award, the best tourist publications" competition


The „Mobile Trends Awards"

The main award for the "Szklarska Poręba" mobile application in the "City with the best website or mobile application" category - Mobile Trends Awards 2013

The "Rose of the Regions" award

The "Toruń" mobile guide received the main award in the "Rose of the Regions 2014" in the "Mobile application" category

The „Magellan's award"

The main prize for the Jasło – winne klimaty" application - "Magellan's Award, the best tourist publications" competition

The „Magellan's award"

The main prize for the Euroregion Beskidy" guide by Iwona Baturo - "Magellan's Award, the best tourist publications" competition

The „Magellan's award"

The main prize for the "Szklarska Poręba" application - "Magellan's Award, the best tourist publications" competition

The "Magellan's Award" distinction

A distinction for the "Szwajcaria Kaszubska – Cieszyńska Kraina" guide by Piotr Kowalewski and Tomasz Maciejczyk - "Magellan's Award, the best tourist publications" competition


The „Magellan's award"

The main award for the "Questy – Kraina Rowerowa Greenways na Lubelszczyźnie" - "Magellan's Award, the best tourist publications" competition

The "Magellan's Award" distinction

A distinction for the "Małopolska. Szlak frontu wschodniego I wojny światowej" guide - "Magellan's Award, the best tourist publications" competition

The „Magellan's Award" distinction

A distinction for the Ponidzie. W świętokrzyskim stepie" guide by Michał Jurecki - "Magellan's Award, the best tourist publications" competition

The "Rose of the Regions" distinction

The "Gmina Złocieniec i okolice" guide received a distinction in the "Róża Regionów 2013" competition in the "Special projects" category


The "Magellan's Award" distinction

A distinction for the "Wrocław – przewodnik miejski" application - "Magellan's Award, the best tourist publications" competition

The "Magellan's Award" distinction

A distinction for the "Turawa i Jeziora Turawskie" guide by Krzysztof Bzowski - "Magellan's Award, the best tourist publications" competition


The "Magellan's Award" distinction

A distinction for the "Kajakiem po Bugu" guide by Józef Tworek - "Magellan's Award, the best tourist publications" competition

The "Magellan's Award" distinction

A distinction for the "Smak rodzinnych wypraw" guide by Anna Łukowska - "Magellan's Award, the best tourist publications" competition

The „Magellan's award"

The main award for the "„Łomża. Gród na nadnarwiańskiej skarpie” guide by Rafał Zubkowicz - "Magellan's Award, the best tourist publications" competition